CL-378 Flame Photometer

Microprocessor based Flame Photometer with Auto ignition

CL-378, flame photometer that is designed for the routine determination of sodium, potassium, calcium, barium and lithium concentrations. The instrument can simultaneously analyze Na, K, Li, Ca and Ba in single aspiration of the sample with proper removal of interferences.






Salient Features

  • Microprocessor based, User friendly, Menu driven with Printer Interface
  • Automatic ignition
  • Automatic gas shut off in case of power failure
  • Calibration curve programmability can be done using a maximum of 20 standards in the range of interest of the user, data processing through optional curve fitting techniques like segmental and quadratic.
  • Analysis made much more simpler because of the multiple calibration curves saving facility.
  • Storage for 700 samples
  • Optional PC compatibility with RS232C Interface
  • Saving Data and Retrieval of Standards & Samples

Determination of


In Bio-Medical Investigations: Na & K in  body fluids, Na, K and Li electrolytes in Serum. Ba in Fecal matter (from Barium meal, Barium swallow etc.).

In Pharamaceuticals : Na, K, Ca nutrient solutions for cultivation of Antibiotics.

In Pollution Monitoring & ControlNa, K & Ca in Natural, Spring, River,Sea boiler feed, Rings and Waste Water.

In Food and Agriculture : Na & K content in Soils, Plant materials,Food & Beveranges, Ca in Wine.

In Research Laboratories and Industries : Alkali metal in Pastes,Soda Glass, Ceramic and Chemical Industries, Na, K and Ca in Cement and its raw materials.

Technical Specifications

Sodium (Na)0.5 ppm
Potassium (K)0.5 ppm
Lithium (Li)0.5 ppm
Calcium (Ca)15 ppm
Barium (Ba)50 ppm
Sodium (Na)1-100 ppm0-200 mEq
Potassium (K)1-100 ppm0-100 mEq
Lithium (Li)1-100 ppm0-10 mEq
Calcium (Ca)15-100 ppm0-5 mEq
Barium (Ba)50-1000 ppm
mEq values are claimed with appropriate dilution
LPG & Oil free dry air
Silicon Photo Diode
Sodium (Na)Better than 2%
Potassium (K)
Lithium (Li)
Calcium (Ca)
Barium (Ba)
Sodium (Na)Better than 1% CV for 20 consecutive samples.
Potassium (K)
Lithium (Li)
Calcium (Ca)
Barium (Ba)3% CV for 20 consecutive samples of Concentrations between 50 to 199 ppm.
ASPIRATION3 to 6 ml/min
With InstrumentFilters for Na, K, Air compressor with buffer tank, 5 cc beakers, Cleaning wire
and Capillary.
At extra CostFilters for Ca, Li & Ba, Printer, PC and PC Software.

CL-378 Brochure