Indoor Air Sensor

Indoor Air Sensor :: Stationary Radon monitor & transmitterIndoor Air Sensor
Flexible interface


The wall mounted enclosure covers a high sensitive Radon chamber as well as sensors for temperature and humidity. The sampled air enters the Radon chamber by diffusion. As an option, a version with an internal pump is available to take samples from ventilation ducts or closed loops.

The Radon concentration calculated for an adjustable counting interval will be converted to an analogous signal (either 0 …1 V or 0 …20 mA). This allows to integrate the sensor into existing automation systems very easily.

The upper range value can be assigned by software according the local requirements.

In addition to the analogous ports a digital output (open drain) is available which can be used either for alert generation or for direct counting of the nuclear decay events (nuclide specific).

The unit contains an independent data logger to store 344 records and the sum spectrum for “stand alone” solutions. The recent sensor readings can be recalled via the serial interface (RS232) by a PC even if a sample is running. The required transfer protocol is provided by SARAD on demand.

After an interruption of the power supply (10.8 to 14.2 VDC) the sensor will restart automatically.

The unit is shipped with the actual version of the Radon Vision software.